Minty Fresh’s Powers Answers “What Is Working?
In conjunction with US. independent music trade group A2IM (American Association Of Independent Music), we’re asking
indie professionals: In this fractured media landscape, what is
working? What outlets and tools are helping your artists build an
In this 4th installment, Jim Powers, co-founder of Chicago based indie label Minty Fresh (current releases
include Drew Andrews, Prototypes and Hushpuppies) weighs in with his top 3 indie marketing tips:
- Using well-targeted, rifle shot marketing. Instead of throwing a wide-lasso over the broader public, initially take the more cost-efficient route of predetermining the potential audience for your artist as best you can, and then focus on music sites/media/opinion leaders promoting similar styles of music.’ This method is more time consuming than a blanket ad buy, but these days it is all about cost-efficiency.
- Service TV/Film/Advertising. Hard to imagine 10 years ago that these broad mediums would be more adventuresome than most radio stations, but so it goes. Save music supervisors time…
by researching the target audience of their projects. Then, pre-filter
by sending music appropriate for their specific needs. Don’t hit them
with every new song you have.
Sign self-motivated bands with a strong work ethic. Today, deals between labels and artists are more of a true partnership than ever. Bands
that understand getting signed is just the beginning of a long and
sometimes difficult journey have a better chance at success. It takes
tremendous effort on from both artist and label to create opportunity.
More "What Is Working ?"
And tell us, what is working for you?