
Daily DIY: Use Free Video Creatively

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After you've achieved almost any level of success, there will be a variety of videos about you on YouTube and around the net.  Some you probably uploaded; while others cam from friends, fans and even your family.  They also probably vary in quality from the professional to the embarrassingly bad.

How can can you use all of these videos – even the bad ones – to your advantage?

First learn to use two free tools:
  • Clipnabber
    ClipNabber for grabbing online fan videos
  • Video editing software. Here are links to 5
Now you are ready to:
  • Organize them into your own YouTube Channel
  • Don't have enough videos? Spearhead a local band channel like "Metal in Roanoke" or Bluegrass In Boise"
  • Use Clipnabber to grab all the videos from very sources then create your own "best of" video concert.  Have you fans help you choose the songs

  • Using free polling widgets like Vizu have your fans vote for the best and worst on your web site or blog. 
  • Encourage your fans to make more videos and upload them.
  • Hold a contest for the best fan produced videos of one of your songs
  • Edit a bunch of fan videos of the same song into a single video
  • Use the best clips to create a 2-5 minute "infomercial" that helps sell the band
  • Always share the links and embed codes for your favorite videos with venues and journalist and encourage them to use them on their sites.
  • How do you use video?

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