Record Store Day Gives Indies Sales Boost
Saturday's National Record Store Day provided U.S. indie music stores and labels with a tangible boost in sales.
Billboard chart analyst Ed Christman put the gain at just 1% of overall independent label sales. But Coalition Of Independent Music Stores (CIMS) outlets were up 22% over the previous year and vinyl sales jumped 222% according to the indie store alliance.
"What we have here is one more glimpse into the future," said new CIMS head Jim Fahey. "We can make these days happen more and more through a concerted effort to let the indies sell something worthwhile and let The Big Boxes go back to selling microwaves and cheap TV's. Leave the music to the experts."
Here's a video of Smashing Pumpkin Billy Corgan at an Indiana record store on Saturday:
I wish this actually was in Indiana but this was in Chicago, IL
I wish I was the head of CIMS… Might come with a raise.
And it’s “Fahy,” thank you.