Music Marketing

Jay-Z Says Wendy’s Ad Helped Kill Auto-Tune

Jay-ZExplaining the inspiration behind his new track "Death Of Auto-Tune", that always marketing savvy Jay-Z pointed to a recent Wendy's commercial that spoofed both boys bands and the over-use of the note shifting technology.  "I just think in hip-hop, when a trend becomes a gimmick, it's time to move on," Jay said in an interview on a Chicago radio station according to MTV. "I saw a Wendy's commercial and they're using Auto-Tune. They're joking on it. It's like, OK, enough of that … It was a trend, it was cool in the beginning. Some people made great music with it, now it's time to move on."  Here is the "inspirational" ad:

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  1. How are 90% of the major label “talent” going to make recordings if they can’t use autotune? Does this mean we’re actually going back to the days when singers had to stay on key? Are the majors going to start signing people who can really sing and not just fit a visual profile? Are they going to start making real music again?

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