Get Your Free Custom Facebook URL Now
UPDATE: I just successfully grabbed my personal Facebook url ( with no problem. It took seconds.
Beginning Saturday June 13th at `12.01 AM EST (4:02 AM GST) registered Facebook users can current their current Facebook generated random url for one that more closely resembles their name.
The new usernames are limited to alphanumeric characters or a period
(".") and must be at least 5 characters long. So custom urls will look something like or maybe . While the change isn't mandatory yet, Facebook has
200 million users, so if you don't gab your url now someone else might. There is a mechanism to dispute the urls of trademark names, but who wants to go through that hassle.
Get you Facebook URL now at
Just found out that “Pages” need at least 1000 fans before they can register a custom Facebook url. That’s a pretty unfortunate safeguard and is going to piss off a lot of independent artists trying to launch themselves on Facebook.
Goods news! I’ve learned that the 1000 fan restriction for pages is being lifted June 28th and I’ll be writing about in Monday morning.
i wanna get on facebook