
More Music Industry News: MOG Mobile, Slacker Adds Streaming, Twitter API, we7 + Yahoo & More

  • image from www.billboard.biz#SXSW – MOG launches mobile apps with unlimited downloads to your phone. (DigitalBeat) This MOGmobile (right) is on the ground in Austin
  • Slacker to launch an on-demand streaming music service like MOG and Spotify. No details yet. (Billboard
  • Twitter to offer service that ties into other sites. (NY Times)
  • Digital distributor INgrooves has added some new clients including mobile distribution for Nettwerk Music Group, international distribution for Hidden Beach Records and new albums from Cary Brothers, Too $hort and Balkan Beat Box. 
  • NARM and the RIAA are sponsoring a design contest to refresh the “Give The Gift Of Music” logo and slogan. The deadline for entering the contest is Friday, April 9. The prize will be $2,500, and the winning slogan and logo will be announced at the 2010 NARM Convention in May. Details here
  • Flat fee digital distributor WaTunes has reduced the price of its VIP premium service to $2.99 per month and added new channels including Lala, Spotify, JamVana, Amie Street, Wal-Mart MP3, Mixed Up Music, MusicIsHere, Great Indie Music, Beatport, and Juno Download. The price reduction comes just days after flat fee challenger Zimbalam entered the U.S.
  • we7 signs display advertising deal with Yahoo. (Music Ally)

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