
New Bandcamp Buttons Show Facebook Like’s Power

image from willscullypower.files.wordpress.com Several months ago Bandcamp saw Facebook blow past search results as the #1 source of incoming traffic surpassing the combined referrals from Google, Yahoo, and Bing.  Motivated by their own experience and user requests, the musician toolkit creator added Facebook Like buttons and has since seen traffic to artists explode.

Before Like, Facebook traffic coming into Bandcamp for artists could "primarily be attributed to the tens of thousands of times each month that people clicked Share > Facebook on Bandcamp pages, or made a purchase and then clicked Share to Facebook". 

But in just the first few days since the addition of Facebook Like buttons, they are already being clicked 4 times as often as Bandcamp's other Facebook sharing options. Interestingly, the surge coming from Like buttons is not cannibalizing other options, which Bandcamp says also continues to grow.

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  1. You know what would be a good feature for Bandcamp to have regarding this feature? The ability to add yourself as an admin for your profile page and each song page. This way you could see who liked you and invite them to your fan page, send them a thank you message, etc.

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