Why I Think Video LPs Are A Good Idea
DFTBA Records President and co-founder Alan Lastufka has joined MTT as an author. In his first post, he talks about his experience of releasing a Video LP on YouTube. So far, he can't find many disadvantages. For fans, labels, and managers the positives of a Video LP are vast. Given how much music consumption happens on YouTube these days, it's hard to argue with him. Read it here.
Mike & the Mechanics tried it with their “Rewired” album in 2004 which came out in a CD+DVD edition that had at least one video to each of the album’s songs. Sadly, the trend didn’t catch on. A few years later, the hype was low-cost viral videos for key songs from an album to be vuewable for free on video portals. I think the latter was great for listening to full length songs instead of just 30 sec samples.