Social Media

RootMusic Upgrades Free & Paid BandPages Facebook App

image from RootMusic has released a major upgrade for both free and paid users of its BandPages Facebook app. BandPage is the social network's #1 music app with 150,000 musicians driving 22 million active monthly users. 50% of the top 100 artists on Facebook use BandPage, according to the company.

BandPage Basic users now have access to free banner and color customization, mailing lists, hyperlinked banner and ‘like to listen’ functionality. BandPage Plus paid users also get a fan-only banner, banner video, and advanced gating options to do complex campaigns like ‘email-to-listen’ or ‘tweet-to-download’ for their newest track.


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  1. RootMusic had to catch up to ReverbNation, although I thought it would have happened sooner. It’s interesting watching them both along with FanBridge inch past each other. At least they are all providing a great platform for indie artists to use that is free. My personal favorite has been and still is ReverbNation.

  2. Here’s my issue…
    I’m already paying RootMusic for my BandPage Plus.
    I add a Join button to my BandPage, which allows me to get fans’ E-mail addresses.
    BUT – when testing this feature, one of those creepy Facebook permission screens comes up and says something like, “by clicking here you agree to let Rootmusic E-mail you at _____”
    A) That is gonna freak my band’s fans out
    B) I’m already paying Rootmusic – now they get to have my fans’ E-mail addresses too?
    Not cool.

  3. On my Google Reader, this article is followed by a Reverbnation ad banner! hahaha
    I’ve tried both on band pages and have been pretty happy w/Reverbnation, for the most part. A friend of mine just set up a BandRX FB page, but I didn’t see it was much different than Reverbnation. In fact, he said the backend required a bit more set up. I’ll have to look into it.

  4. Yeah , that’s a real dealbreaker to me too… Too bad , cause it’s otherwise a great upgrade , but i will have to use other widgets for email collecting.
    It’s just too risky… I mean , what if RootMusic decides to sell my email base to some business that’s gonna spam them ? My fans will think that i’m the one selling their mail to spammers…

  5. Whaaaat! Yes! I’ve been waiting for this forever. And i don’t have to pay to get them, which is the best part. Mostly yo’d think they would make you pay to upgrade, so this is awesome. Check it out!

  6. In fact , there are more than couple of things that just make no sense in their design :
    – The “tweet for a download” lets you download even you don’t really tweet ( it basically just takes you to the twitter login page , but you can still initiate the download without doing anything ! )
    – And even worse , whatever gate function is in place ( email/like/tweet/ to download ) can only work if you setup your soundcloud tracks to public AND downloadable .. That means that you can just go to Sondcloud , enter the name of the song in the search function , and download it without even liking or entering your email in Facebook ??
    Unless i’m completely mistaken , that’s a huge design flaw…

  7. Hey guys,
    Just wanted to clarify a few things here.
    For email capture, the Facebook permissions dialogue box that pops up when you hit the “join” button is required by Facebook’s terms of service. With similar music services that collect your email directly from your Facebook profile, we have to ask permission from the user to collect this data. You’ll see these permissions pop up with other popular mailing list services.
    It was mentioned that advanced gating features require tracks to be public and downloadable on SoundCloud in order. This is not true – tracks that are private on SoundCloud can be streamable and downloadable on BandPage. You can make your tracks like to download, like to listen, etc. on BandPage without having them publicly searchable (or streamable or downloadable) on SoundCloud.
    If you have any other questions about BandPage, please send us an email at We’re always happy to answer your questions and clarify our new features.
    Hope you guys enjoy them!
    – Pilar

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