ShoutOmatic’s Upgrades Include Great Tools For Music Marketing
ShoutOmatic is a free audible status update service that allows you to create short messages or "shouts" that can be linked from Twitter, played on Facebook or heard on your ShoutOmatic page. In an interesting approach to monetization, ShoutOmatic offers celebrities the opportunity to sell shouts to individuals or brands.
Though the celebrity accounts on ShoutOmatic look a bit underutilized, they have a high percentage of musicians involved and are continuing to develop new services of interest to musicians.
The basic concept of ShoutOmatic is pretty simple, you record a brief message via your ShoutOmatic account, a direct phone call or your choice of an iPhone or Facebook app and it is then automatically uploaded to ShoutOmatic, Facebook and Twitter. Shouts can also be re-shouted or embedded on other sites and individuals can reply with a Shout-Back.
Though Shoutomatic has been around since last summer, they seem to be stepping up both marketing and development and have recently added a QR code for each shout which plays when read by a mobile device. They have also added the ability to merge a MP3 song preview with a shout that can then be distributed as one playable stream.
Shoutomatic also offers the option to sell your shouts via the Shout Market and while the list of celebrities offering instant & personal shouts is strong on musicians the offerings for brands are top heavy with hip hop vocalists and djs.
Hey, let's hear what DMC has to shout!
Shoutomatic is not a must have for a musician's digital marketing toolkit and one gets the sense that a lot of the celebrity involvement is not that heavy. However, since it does seem pretty easy to use and they are continuing to develop new features, it's worth playing with and keeping an eye on if it fits your particular needs. I just wouldn't count on getting rich off selling your shouts!
Hypebot contributor Clyde Smith is a freelance writer and blogger. Flux Research is his business writing hub and All World Dance: World Dance News is his primary web project.