
Musician’s Arsenal: Killer Apps, Tools & Sites – Turntable.fm

Screen-shot-2011-07-07-at-5.16.28-PM-300x109 On Music Think Tank, Ariel Hyatt continues with her series, Musician’s Arsenal, which features music apps, tools, and websites. She features the website, Turntable.fm which has been growing in popularity. Clyde Smith has also written positive things about Turntable.fm on Hypebot. Be sure to review Bruce Houghton's post on how to use Turntable.fm to interact with fans and promote your band.

“Once you build your playlist, join a room and listen with others or create your own and start DJ-ing. If people like what you play, you’ll get points and fans. The more fans and points you get, the more popular you get and the more people listen to you.” (Read On)

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