How To Get More Facebook Likes & Twitter Follows Using ShareAndTell Sweepstakes
(Updated) ShareAndTell is a "social sweepstakes & rewards platform" that allows you to generate Facebook Likes and Twitter follows by running sweepstakes on your website and Facebook page via widgets. Contestants are rewarded with multiple entries for such actions as liking and commenting as well as for recruiting friends.
Participation in ShareAndTell is free for contestants and there is also a free version of ShareAndTell Pro for businesses with basic services and paid options for those wanting to run more giveaways.
So far, ShareAndTell hasn't worked with any bands or labels but they have had a lot of interest from film marketers, for such projects as Our Idiot Brother, as well as an assortment of other companies such as Streaker Sports. There's certainly no reason they couldn't be used for music-related sweepstakes as well.
Contestants gain entries in a particular contest, upping their chance of winning, for such actions as Facebook likes, Twitter follows, commenting on the sweepstakes widget and also for recruiting one's friends and various actions on A survey option is also available.
ShareAndTell keeps up with Facebook and Twitter policies and is anti-spam but it's a little unclear whether or not they can monitor users getting overenthusiastic about recruiting new participants.
So far I've seen mixed load times on the Facebook widgets though the website widgets seem to operate just fine as seen in the upper left hand corner of Streaker Sports' website.
Currently the sweepstakes operate with a countdown but ShareAndTell is also developing an immediate rewards option for such things as discount coupons.
I haven't seen any long-term stats on any of the companies requiring Facebook Likes to do things like enter sweepstakes, give away music or any of the other purposes for which such actions are required. I think they would be most effective for short-term campaigns such as marketing tours and other events so it makes sense that movie campaigns have been early adopters.
Clearly it would be up to those using the service to build long-term relationships starting with smart use of one's Facebook and Twitter posts.
Hypebot contributor Clyde Smith is a freelance writer and blogger. Flux Research is his business writing hub and All World Dance: World Dance News is his primary web project. To suggest websites and related topics for review, please contact: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.
there seems to be an issue with the website while trying to create an account. It fails! The page has trouble loading when I submit my registration information.
The price is pretty steep for someone without a nice marketing budget, but it looks like it could be a great promotional tool if used correctly.
Thank you for these suggestions! I’ve been wondering about the best direction to take my fbook page & how to increase interaction with my followers. Thanks, again!
glad i heard about it.. will definitively give it a shot.
The price is pretty steep for someone without a nice marketing budget, but it looks like it could be a great promotional tool if used correctly.
Thanks for the post, i think that the good content is the first thing you have to do and the word will spread, this tips are really good 🙂