1. What he should be tweeting about is how his administration sold the American public down the river with the Mortgage Settlement. Please see the Huffpost for an accurate account of how bad this settlement deal is for the foreclosed citizens of this country. And come on, he’s listening to Wilco? Wake up.

  2. Well, to be fair, he HAS solved every problem America has, eliminated unemployment, made the economy better than it’s ever been, and achieved world peace. He’s certainly got the time to be messing around on Spotify.
    Oh, wait.
    Also, shame on you Hypebot, for legitimizing this as “news.” Press releases from independent musicians such as myself are ignored while a President who has a lot of work left to do plays with a music service that does nothing to help non-billionaires and gets time on your site.

  3. I posted it because I thought it was fun and interesting that a President and his campaign thought a Spotify playlist is a worthy campaign tool. And yes, I do support Obama. Look at the alternatives.

  4. It doesn’t matter if you support him or not…..he’s the President, and a President tweeting a spotify playlist IS an interesting, light-hearted story. Also, note the lack of political bias or even comment in the story itself.
    Thanks for posting, Bruce.

  5. Hats off to you Bruce,
    I thought the article was perfect, I love this kind of stuff. I mean when Barack Obama gave his acceptance speech they played one of my companies endorsing artists, what better publicity is that?
    The President has enough on his plate, and I hope for the sake of the country he is listening to music, its just nice to know its good music!
    I appreciate the random tongue & cheek articles.

  6. Did you see MOG’s tweets?
    MOG @mogdotcom @barackobama We’d love to hook you & your team up with a free MOG account – please email zoe@mog.com.
    In reply to Barack Obama
    MOG @mogdotcom @barackobama Great playlist! It’d sound even better in our made-in-the-USA highest-quality audio: ow.ly/8YyPa
    As to the naysayers, this is legitimate tech music news. The GOP’s eventual nominee should do a playlist, too.

  7. Will everyone just relax? I’m sure intern working on his twitter account though it would be a good idea to try and connect with the youth of America. Or something like that. Also, if you read, the only tweets that actually come from our President as signed off as -OB. So no, he’s not sitting there tweeting to you.

  8. Please let me clarify – I wasn’t agreeing with the above rant evaluating the President’s job (that’s irrelevant here). I was agreeing with the fact that this isn’t “news.” I’ll admit the dude above sounds like a jaded republican who has had numerous press releases looked over by Hypebot, but putting that aside, the main point is valid: this isn’t news.
    Or maybe it is & I’m just bitter that Spotify has gotten this successful at the expense of indie artists?

  9. Can we please stop criticizing Hypebot’s choice in news stories? Look at the amount of great content that they put out every day. I think they can afford to put out some more light-hearted stories as well. And reiterating Bruce’s point.. isn’t this a pretty interesting marketing tool for a presidential campaign?

  10. Notfornothing, but the sense of entitlement here is a little embarrassing (lookin’ at you mark_scudder). This isn’t a subscription website. It’s free. Lighten up if you don’t like the content (or how Bruce continues to butcher the English language on the daily).

  11. I know you probably enjoy thinking we have a technologically savvy president to help fortify your liberal worldview, but the chances are he doesn’t even know what Spotify is. He doesn’t run his own twitter account, this has been estbalished, and Just a reminder to everyone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhB4DStrZAY
    “With iPods and iPads; Xboxes and PlayStations — none of which I know how to work….”
    Anyone-but-Obama 2012

  12. Mark, I’ve rarely seen a press release from an independent musician that related to anything we cover at Hypebot.
    It’s quite likely that your releases were either off-topic or, given your commenting style, inappropriate whatever the topic.
    If you’d like to send me an example and get some feedback on why I think it didn’t make it into Hypebot, I would be happy to so with the understanding that I am simply one writer here among a whole group.

  13. Ok, Mark, now that I’ve seen you in action on Twitter, I take back my offer to help.
    Honestly, if I were you, I’d focus on media outlets that cater to people who share your view of the world. So, rather than going to industry sites, I’d suggest looking at your subculture and building on that.

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