Spotify and Backplane Add Music, Live Web Cast To SXSW Music Hackathon
Spotify and Troy Carter's social media startup Backplane are taking this year's SXSW music hack day to a another level with the edition of live performes. DJ Reflex, New York City Queen Dawn & Hawkes and Paper Hotel (picuted) will provide the backdrop for a roomful of music tech's best creating with API's from Spotify, The Echo Nest, YouTube, Topspin, SeatGeek and others.
The geek-fun take's place at Austin's Raptor House on Sunday March 10th from 10AM to 10PM. A live web cast featuring commentary from top YouTubers will be broadcast online and to Times Square via NASDAQ.
"We have fantastic judges who will be announced the morning of the hackathon," Backplane spokeswoman Sarah Ross told Mashable. "Examples include Jay Brown, the president of Roc Nation, and Judy Estrin, networking technology pioneer and Silicon Valley leader."
More details and RSVP here.