Music Marketing

YouTube Video Tips & Tools From The Music Playbook To vidIQ

Youtube-playbookYouTube remains one of the core web and mobile tools for musicians for so many reasons from revenue generation to social media power. While some consider YouTube a fair weather friend, especially when the topic of revenue arises, it’s an inescapable part of most working musicians’ lives. Here are a variety of tips and tools for upping your YouTube video game.

YouTube’s Music Playbook Guide

YouTube’s Creator Playbook is an official source for tips and insights on improving your YouTube channel. Back in January they released the Music Playbook Guide with more specific tips for music-related videos.

YouTube Capture App

In January YouTube also released YouTube Capture 1.1, its updated iOS app for video capture. It’s free and, among other features, includes the ability to “upload videos to YouTube, Google+, Facebook, and Twitter simultaneously.”

Bandsintown Joins YouTube’s Approved Retailers Program

Bandsintown recently announced their newly won status as a YouTube Approved Retailer “which means your band will be able to direct every person who views your videos straight to your Tour Dates page to buy tickets to your upcoming shows.”

The program allows for “merch annotations” in videos to direct viewers to a variety of products from Approved Retailers most of whom are leading music service companies or relevant vendors.

Increase Channel Subscriptions

Tod Maffin (via Wes Davenport) shares a tip for increasing channel subscriptions by having a subscription box popup when viewers click on links to your videos.

However, use this one sparingly. Folks that don’t normally subscribe or don’t want to subscribe or who click through on links to more than one of your videos could all be easily annoyed by such a maneuver if overdone.

Translate Captions

If you’re trying to reach an international audience, you might try adding captions in other languages. Now you can access paid translation vendors via YouTube or contact Amara for such services including outreach to and management of a “volunteer subtitling community.”

vidIQ Analytics

vidIQ is a new YouTube analytics and video marketing suite with a variety of tempting features.

The “Starter” version is free and provides some basic but useful features for one user and one channel. The “Enterprise” version adds more features and is designed for multiple channels and users. You have to ask for pricing so that means it’s going to be way too expensive for DIY’ers but the Starter version sounds well worth checking out.


Hypebot Senior Contributor Clyde Smith (@fluxresearch/@crowdfundingm) also blogs at All World Dance: Videos and maintains Music Biz Blogs. To suggest topics for Hypebot, contact: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.

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