
49 Female Music Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Advice (Part 2)

SarahPatrellaEvery musician fights their own unique battles on the road to a successful career. We all have family members, friends, role models and other professionals we've looked up to, been guided by, or maybe even had career altering conversations with. It's a tough world, but a united group of successful females tends to be quite the powerhouse.

If you're looking to learn a thing or two on your own road less traveled, take some advice from these 49 women who have made their own way in the new music business brought to us by Ariel Hyatt on MusicThinkTank.com. Keep track of who and what inspires you – you never know when you're going to be in the hot seat giving your own advice to the next round of hopeful musicians.

"Envision your destiny and take small daily steps towards it. Don’t be afraid to fail, the more often you fail the more likely you will succeed. Be your authentic self, don’t try to fit in, carve out your niche."

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