18 Ways Musicians Can Make Money
(UPDATED) The age old battle for any musician is generating income. It used to be record sales that made the money, but with the rise of digital downloads and live streaming, knowing the options at your disposal is critical when establishing income streams. There are endless opportunities out there – you just have to be willing to do your homework.
Dave Cool suggests employing a mix of both traditional and modern methods to establsih and expand your revenue streams. Just because CD sales are down doesn't mean they can't make you money, it just means having things like digital merch along with physical merch, and YouTube sessions while you're on the road are great ideas to consider adding to your gig list. Join the conversation on MusicThinkTank.com and let us know what's worked for you!
"Music Lessons: Many musicians teach their instrument to others to help generate revenue towards their own career. This can be a nice way to supplement your income, and allows you to hone your craft at the same time."