
Could Video Games Teach Us to be Musicians?

Rock-band-guitar-hero-vsThe rise of digital music has cultivated an "instant rockstar" mentality amongst aspiring musicians. Everything can be digitally edited, overlayed, autotuned, re-mastered, etc. so the emphasis on strong musicianship has the potential to get a little lost in the pursuit of quick results. Video games such as Guitar Hero, Singstar, Rock Band, and several others could be easily mistaken for music lessons or instrumental tutorials, but can a game with a severely skewed representation actually teach us more about being musicians? Probably not… unless you're Rocksmith. 

RockSmith requires you to connect real instruments into it's platform for competition. Ultimately, you should learn more about the actual art of musicianship while participating in the game. While it is no substitution for actual lessons or artist collaboration, it is a unique step in the gaming world that had previously been sidestepped. Learn more about how music video games affects musicianship and how RockSmith could work for you from Jamal Asskoumi on MusicThinkTank.com

"Have we entered an era where we could insert a game into our games console and develop our musical talents from there, no, not yet. But if the launch of RockSmith is any indication of what is to come, I see nothing but musically blue skies."

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