
Muzicol Launches Indie Artist Promotion Platform, Professional Network

LOGO 1Muzicol International has launched Muzicol.com, an online global music community network built to provide independent artists with a virtual stage to showcase their talents, promote their music, and network with other industry professionals. 


Muzicol's crowdfunding service encourages fan and artist collaboration offering fans a percentage of future sales for their contributions along with the capability to trade and sell songs to other Muzicol stock market users. Aiming to bridge the gap between independent artists and their fans regardless of style, location, or other limiting factors, Muzicol hopes to serve as a link between all music industry professionals by serving both the creatives and those who eagerly consume the content they produce.

Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 9.01.57 PMMuzicol.com provides the following features:

o Customizable profile pages complete with pictures, videos, songs, presentations, biography and contact information

o Ability to host an unlimited number of songs

o Clear IP rights immediately to any assignees (musicians, producers, publishers,songwriters) involved in productions

o Interact directly with fans and music industry professionals

o Manage multi-accounts as a label or manager

o Stream at high capacity

o Access a variety of venues for concerts

o Manage ticket sales online and calendars

o Live stream concerts

President and CEO Michel Poignant stated “This is my long-time dream: to build a platform where artists of the world will have the freedom to exist and live off their art, spreading joy and love and sharing with their fans. Today I have fulfilled this dream.” 

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