Band Games Spotify To Fund Tour, Streams “Most Silent Album Ever Recorded”
When I got an email from Jack Stratton about a Spotify funded tour I initially expected news of a new program from Spotify. It turns out that Stratton is a member of a band called Vulfpeck and they're planning a tour with all shows free. How will they fund it? By getting their fans and whoever else wants to help by streaming their new "Sleepify" album, "the most silent album ever recorded," on Spotify all night while they sleep.
Wulfpeck hopes to fund The Sleepify Tour, currently featured on their homepage, with a new form of crowdfunding, Spotify repeat streaming:
SLEEPIFY /// The Spotify Funded Vulfpeck Tour
Even if you haven't checked out Sleepify on Spotify, you've probably guessed that the tracks are all silent. They're also short. Which means if they're playing on repeat, you can get a lot of repeats out of an evening's sleep.
If Wulfpeck does get enough streams to make those Spotify dollars and fund their tour, they intend to focus on locations with the most streams for their tour dates. You can see a graphic depicting a growing number of Spotify streams on their homepage. The above thumbnail is a screenshot.
I asked Strattton if this might violate Spotify terms of service and he said he checked and didn't think so.
We'll see what Spotify does with this effort but it's certainly a fun and engaging idea.
The Sleepify Tour has already gotten coverage on Gizmodo UK and seems likely to get quite a bit more so, at the very least, Vulfpeck has a nice marketing campaign going.
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Hypebot Senior Contributor Clyde Smith (Twitter/Facebook) is currently relaunching All World Dance. To suggest topics about music tech, DIY music biz or music marketing for Hypebot, contact: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.