Who Are The Most Valuable Digital Consumers? [Three Powerful Infographics]
Social, local and mobile are the buzzwords driving most conversation about online opportunities. For music, at the end of the day there is only one common denominator: the fan. Understanding who fans/consumers are and how they are influenced by social, mobile and local experiences is essential to targeted marketing. So while these three infographics by Nielsen and NM Incite look at digital consumerism beyond just music, take a few minutes to envision where your fans fit within this powerful set of data.
Where do your fans capture information?
What do they do with it?
How can should you re-target your efforts?
Thanks Bruce for the very informative post! This is one of the most interesting peices I’ve come across here yet, I like how you stress the importance of knowing how your fans are influenced by social media. Social media is the new upcoming way for promoters and bands alike to effectively market and leverage their unique brands to fans better than ever before.
Great infograph!