
Watch Out Spotify! MOG Is Going Free.

image from MOG will be launching a new free streaming music service tomorrow that competes directly with Spotify.  But instead of giving free users a limited number of hours per month,  as Spotify does, MOG gives each a "gas tank" filled with a specific number of free track plays for that month. While Spotify offers unlimited free streaming in the U.S. now, after a 6 months trial, usage limits drop to 10 to 20 hours. In most of Europe, the limit is 10 hours.


To keep the "gas tank" full users have to be actively sharing playlists with friends on social networks, as well as, exploring and sharing MOG. The goal is to reward users with free music listening in exchange for sharing MOG virally.

Some are already skpetical of MOG's new free plan. "While we like the 'gas tank' concept," wrote Business Insider, "we wish that MOG would fill it up again at the beginning of each month in addition to rewarding you with more tracks for remaining active on the site. We think that puts MOG at a slight disadvantage to Spotify."

More details tomorrow.

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  1. A little too late if you ask me. Maybe if MOG had done that years ago when it launched. I’m in love with Spotify, until MOG can show me it’s easier to load up and play a song I’m gonna stay put!

  2. It is my practice to recommend an 80/20 to 70/30 range. But, how much time you allocate should consider the types of applications that are developed by your team. While most exploits have their roots in the same mistakes such as unchecked buffers

  3. It seems that MOG is happy to tell you can gain more in the “gas tank” but they appear to go to great lengths not to tell you exactly what you get in the “gas tank” for the things like sharing and being active. I guess you take their word for it.

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