Apps, Mobile & SMS

RootMusic Launches New “Social Touring” Integration for BandPage

Rootmusic RootMusic, the developers of the Facebook music application BandPage, has upgraded their app with a new multi-platform touring integration. By partnering up with touring websites SonicLiving, Bandsintown, and Songkick, the upgrade allows fans on an artist’s BandPage to see which of their friends are attending a show, creates the ability to RSVP for the show, and then brings the event into their friend’s feeds regarding the concert. This drives more engagement for the show, as well as informs fans about shows they can actually see with their friends. 

Touring information will now directly feed into an artist’s BandPage, eliminating the need to manually enter all the tour information – undoubtedly saving hours of time. The tour portion of the application will give the artist the choice from which of the three touring companies they want to pull the information from.

With this upgrade, RootMusic hopes to streamline the delivery of tour information to fans and strengthen the artist’s fan community. BandPage has already proven successful in diversifying an artist's presence on Facebook, but with this new Social Touring integration, they've leveraged a way to turn a “Like” into a possible avenue for increased concert attendance.

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  2. The problem with this feature is that all three of the touring websites they’ve partnered with are HORRIBLE.
    None of them track ALL of an artist’s concert dates, and as an artist manager, to ensure each and every show is listed, I’d prefer to just manually input the dates into the Bandpage. This way you get the spelling correct, you can add things in there like (free show!) or (21+), etc.

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