Disrupt.fm: This Song Is “Free” – If You Tell 130 of Your Friends about It on Facebook [LAUNCH]
How much is a song really worth? If you're Katy Perry, "Fireworks" might be worth $1.29 to someone. But if you're an indie act, trying to get the word out, maybe a Facebook share is also worth something to you.
This is a philosophy behind a new music site called Disrupt.fm.
They figure that a Facebook share is equal to the price of a song when you factor in the social benefits. The average user has 130 friends.
Thus, why not give fans a way to download your new song for free at the price of sharing it with their friends? If the song is good enough for them to want to download it. Surely, it's something that they would share with their friends too.
Rather than turning them away to preview the song on YouTube or through less than legal means, give it to them. Send fans to your Disrupt.fm page and let them have that new song if they tell their social network about it too. Normally, news feed updates like this could feel spam like, but after trying the service out for myself to obtain a song, I found it to be a painless and nonintrusive share.
Why should you use Disrupt.fm? Founder David Glassanos writes:
"Free music has slowly become the norm, and musicians must adapt to the new expectations that consumers have set.
The old music distribution model has failed in the digital age and it’s time for a fundamental change to the way we distribute music."
Best of all, you don't have to sign up for anything, you can simply use Facebook Connect. The players are clean and users can add a message to each song that they share with their social network. Overall, this is a very solid idea. If you're an artist that would like to try Disrupt.fm out, you can sign up to the website here.
Thank you to the Hypebot commenter that pointed out this website to us. Your help is always appreciated. Is there a site you love that we haven't written about?
Tell us below.
But what to live of, if music becomes free and available everywhere from everyone?
And, what ensures that the song really is shared among friends and thus spread out?
This is a great idea. I which I could apply it to photography.
Licensing, streaming income… Various things.
don’t quit yer day job bro
This place is closing down on Sept 1st, 2011. Too bad, I just got started!