Mobile App Sales Will Surpass CD Sales By 2012
Just how big is the market for mobile apps?
Global mobile apps will be worth $17.5 billion by 2012, according to an independent report commissioned by app store GetJar. Mobile app downloads across all types of handset are also expected to increase from over 7 billion downloads in 2009 to almost 50 billion in 2012 – a year on year growth rate of 92%.
This would mean that the value of apps sold would be greater than the projected $13.83 billion value of CDs sold in 2012.
I could actually see apps replacing cds. Where an artist could sell a $5 app every album promotion and have a whole mobile community around that album and when they release new songs do it through the app and allow preview streaming of it through the app. This could be the future people
I can see apps replacing cds in the future. imagine you could sell a app for each album and if u want to release “buzz” tracks do it through streaming and when a new album comes out do it again. Of course the apps could only cost at the maximum $5 – but disturbution would be cut in terms of cost.
When an app gets me layed, like a good r&b cd does, I’ll believe it.
Mobile apps include mobile games, not just ringtones and songs, don’t they? So measuring these against CDs gives a false picture.
wow i wish i could have that kind of mobile phone!!