Immitter: New Music Discovery Pandora Style
(Updated) An elevator pitch for might be: "Pandora-style discovery of great new indie and d.i.y. music".
Debuting alongside 65 other startups at yesterday's VentureBeat Spring DEMO event, Immitter's founders believe that people enjoy discovering new music. But even those willing to venture beyond the traditional label-driven model to find it, don't have the time to wade through millions of MySpace profiles and mp3 blogs.
On Immitter artists upload their original content to be played according to specific parameters, much like Pandora does. Founders Jermaine Kelly and Andre Nurse, aspiring artists themselves, believe that other will be willing to pay for the service because it connects them with a target audience.
Whether or not indie artists will be willing to pay to be on Immitter will, in part, depend on how many active listeners it can deliver.
But as someone who is always on the lookout for new artists, I prefer to discover new music Pandora-style alongside more familiar fare. And rhe bar for an indie artist to be played on Pandora is already fairly low – the artist must be for sale on Amazon. Do you think there's a place for Immitter?
However close it is to competing with Pandora, it sounds almost identical to Jango and their “Airplay” program.
Couple things .. First, I agree, it does seem like this is what Jango is doing. I know the folks over at Jango and they say that they’ve got a great business going and it’s really effective. So if Immitter can replicate it, there’s nothing saying that it wont work.
However, it’s incredibly hard to get artists to pay for anything, so that’s a tough place to start. Hopefully they’ll be giving a generous free trial period. If they can show artists there is value in the service, and show artists that they can get results, there’s no reason artists shouldn’t pay. But they’ll need to show results before artist’s will open their wallets.
They should also shorted that explanation video. Get the message across in 90-120 secs ..
And their current site doesn’t instill much confidence. Might have been a bit of a premature launch.
My feedback.
Bruce, thank you for that elevator pitch, now i have two really really good ones. I appreciate the feedback in the comments as well, especially that tip on Jango. It’s so hard to keep track of competitors. Jango’s a cool site. But it’s not Immitter.
Stay updated to the latest,
DEMO 2010 has been awesome for our company. And we can’t wait to tell you what we have coming!
Your link in the post is broken. It takes you to (needs two “t”s)
Thanks for the heads up. Link is corrected.
Interesting idea, but I’m with @bmull. Getting artists to shell out for an undefined, unquantified audience sounds like an uphill battle.
Artists can upload their tracks for free to Users can then search and listen to 30s of the tracks, with referral sales being handled either by Amazon or alternatively any URL supplied by the artist.
The discovery service is basic at the moment, but rich discovery and social are coming soon.