More New Music Industry News: Google Almost Bought Lala, SeeqPod, Pandora In-Car,
Google almost bought Lala just before Apple did. (WSJ) If only…
- The latest on the wind-down of music startup SeeqPod. (paidContent)
- "4 Ways One Big Database Would Help Music Fans, Industry" (Epicenter)
- The AFL-CIO has added its support the fight for the Performance Rights Act
- Yesterday's promising music stars: where are they now? They had the right backers and the buzz, but suddenly … nothing happened. What went wrong with these three much-touted noughties acts, Girl Thing, the Bravery and Andrew WK? (Guardian UK)
- Pandora working on free in-car access. (FMQB)
- Peter Jenner: Exploring the future of copyright. (MidemNet)
- Beatles Rock Band topped 1 million sales, but Harmonix is laying off 13% of it staff. (Music Ally)
Digital Economy Bill: UK House Of Lords Want To Stamp Out Piracy Chasers - Members of the House of Lords recently voiced concerns over the UK government’s Digital Economy Bill, stating that the problems facing the entertainment industry are largely of their own creation. There was also criticism of companies who demand cash from file-sharers in the UK, and ideas were put forward to end their scheme. (TorrentFreak)
- Nokia to launch new music phone model. (Reuters)
- How got is Spotify? (GigaOm)
I’m interested to hear peoples thoughts on how LaLa’s acquisition affects Spotify in the US. Is it a wrap for them since itunes is such a major player?