YouTube Gets Social
As socialization continues to dominate the web, YouTube, once satisfied with being the top online video site, is taking steps not to be left behind. They've built some tools into YouTube itself including friend suggestions based on your Gmail address book and connecting your YouTube account to social networks via an AutoShare feature. Some of this activity is hard to quantify – every day millions of YouTube links are sent via email, IM, Twitter and other communication methods – but here are some stats that YouTube is sharing:
Over one million people are AutoSharing videos to Twitter, Facebook and Google Reader
- Each AutoShared Tweet sent from YouTube turns into an average of 7 new sessions on
- Over 1 million people have found and subscribed to at least one friend on YouTube based on the Friend Suggest feature
- More than one million new subscriptions are created daily.
One stat you should have shared is that Google is #1 for search, Youtube is #2
(i love that one and people always get wide eyed when you tell them that lol)
I really wish they would make their players slightly less clunky like vimeos but i think that has to do with it being flashed based,then yo wouldnt be able to view videos on a smart phone (which is the case for all vids not on youtube)so they should just leave it how it is.