NARM Calls For Fixed Release Dates
NARM has issued a strong call for common release dates across digital and physical retailers in an attempt to protect its core brick and mortar membership. But digital pre-releases and online promotions are now a core promo strategy and it’s doubtful they can reverse the trend.
"While recognizing the continuing shift in physical and digital album sales patterns, the Board of Directors of the National Association of Recording Merchandisers (NARM) reminds the industry that the accepted practice is for all album releases, regardless of format, to come to market simultaneously on Tuesday.It is simply good for business that this practice is respected. If not, the Board feels we are opening the door for chaos in the marketplace
as the significance of street date becomes meaningless and its
competitive benefits are lost. Over the past few months, there have
been instances where release dates for physical and digital versions
of albums did not coincide, creating unnecessary and unwelcome
marketing obstacles, consumer confusion and, most importantly, missed
sales opportunities.The NARM Board urges all parties to make extraordinary efforts to limit
or more tightly control any copies issued before the actual release
date. In those isolated instances where an album’s digital release is
advanced unexpectedly or unavoidably, retailers that are planning to
merchandise the physical product should also be permitted to provide
it to their customers immediately without fear of reprisalArtists, managers, labels, and distributors are urged to make every
effort to embrace, endorse and execute release date parity. There is
no “competition for earliest availability” that will be of any benefit
to consumers. A singular street date will help stimulate competition on
what matters: price, selection, quality, and service. The NARM Board
feels that strict adherence to this strategy will benefit all segments
of the business, especially consumers."– NARM JUNE 2008
While there are obvious advantages to having seperate digital and physical dates, there are disadvantages as well. Because CO-OP and returns represent a very real threat to many labels’ bottomlines(especially indies), NARM, retail and labels should be urged to collectively more closely examine current business models in respect of the sale of physical goods. Unless and until that happens, NARM’s request will take a backseat to the label’s attempting to meet their bottomlines.